At FixItEase, our mission to simplify home appliance maintenance and repair is driven by a team of dedicated individuals who bring a unique blend of expertise, passion, and creativity to the table. Our diverse skill sets allow us to provide a comprehensive resource that serves every facet of appliance maintenance—from troubleshooting guides to how-to videos, and from brand reviews to a supportive community. Get to know the people behind the platform, the experts who make your DIY repair journey not just possible, but also a breeze.

Leonard “Leo” Thompson

Role: Founder & Chief Editor


Leonard, commonly known as Leo, has 15 years of experience as a home appliance repair specialist. His journey into this field started with a broken refrigerator in his childhood home; fixing it turned a dire situation into a moment of triumph. Over the years, he has become known as the “Fridge Whisperer” after he miraculously fixed his neighbor’s refrigerator during a block party. Frustrated by the misinformation online, Leo founded FixItEase to be the trusted source for accurate, helpful home appliance maintenance advice.

Natalie Greene

Role: Co-founder & Content Strategist

Natalie Greene
Natalie Greene

Natalie Greene, a seasoned home and lifestyle journalist, crossed paths with Leo at a Home Improvement Expo. She was immediately captivated by the idea of FixItEase. Her writing has always leaned towards making complex ideas understandable, and this was the perfect platform for that. Away from the desk, Natalie enjoys creating mini art exhibitions with refrigerator magnets, a whimsical habit that only reinforces her commitment to the home appliance world.

Chris Weber

Role: Lead Technician & Troubleshooting Expert

Chris Weber
Chris Weber

Chris Weber was always mechanically inclined, a trait that led him to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering. However, he realized that he found joy in the hands-on approach of appliance repair, where he could directly see the impact of his work. Over the years, Chris has built an enviable collection of vintage refrigerators dating back to the 1950s, proving that his expertise isn’t just theoretical but also deeply rooted in the history of appliances.

Amanda Rodriguez

Role: Brand Analyst

Amanda Rodriguez
Amanda Rodriguez

Amanda Rodriguez spent years in customer service for a major home appliance brand, learning the ins and outs of different models and their common issues. Her experience provides invaluable insights into brand reviews at FixItEase. The meticulous organization skills that once had her leading the customer service charts are now manifest on her Instagram feed, where she often shares clever fridge organization hacks.

Ethan Lee

Role: Head of Video Content

Ethan Lee
Ethan Lee

Ethan Lee stumbled into videography through his love for storytelling. His knack for capturing complex troubleshooting steps into easily digestible video segments makes him a crucial part of FixItEase. Ethan also adds a touch of magic to his work—literally. A self-taught magician, he sometimes cleverly includes little tricks and illusions in his videos to make them more engaging.

Zoe Wilson

Role: Social Media Manager

Zoe Wilson
Zoe Wilson

Zoe Wilson brought a lively online community to life around FixItEase. Her background in digital marketing and her innate understanding of audience engagement made her the perfect candidate for the job. She also initiated the much-loved “Tip Tuesdays” series. In her downtime, she enjoys cooking and often uses her social media platform to share recipes that help people reduce food waste, ensuring that refrigerators aren’t just working better, but smarter.

Raj Patel

Role: SEO Specialist

Raj Patel
Raj Patel

Raj Patel, a wiz with numbers and algorithms, worked in data analytics before his path converged with FixItEase. He thrives on data-driven challenges and has an uncanny ability to predict search trends. When he’s not elbow-deep in analytics, Raj hones his problem-solving skills as a Sudoku champion, a habit he claims enhances his SEO strategies.

Emily Chang

Role: Customer Support & Community Outreach

Emily Chang
Emily Chang

Emily Chang discovered FixItEase when she solved her own refrigerator issue using one of the site’s troubleshooting guides. Fluent in three languages, she became a moderator for the growing international community of FixItEase. This multilingual skill comes handy when she’s not only solving refrigerator problems but also breaking down language barriers within the community. Now, she’s the empathetic and capable voice behind our customer support, helping others navigate their appliance woes just like she once did.